Monday, August 6, 2007

Maurice Blanchot and Spatiality of Language

Blanchot, Maurice. "The Book to Come" (141-159). The Book of the Book.
. . . language is a system of highly complex spatial relations whose singularity neither ordinary geometrical space nor the space of everday life allows us to appreciate. Nothing is created and no discourse can be creative except through the preliminary exploration of the totally vacant region where language, before it is a set of given words, is a silent process of correspondences, or a rhythmic scansion of life. Words exists only to signify the area of correspondence, the space onto which they are projected and which, no sooner signified, furls and unfurls, never being where it is. Poetic space, the space and 'outcome' of language, never exists like an object but is spaced out and scattered . . . .

". . . Mallarmé restores depth to this space" (150).

Wow. (Though let's call it depth and scale.)

Wow. What basis can he have had for this in that year?

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